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Article – Google’s Eric: Schmidt Tells How YOU can get RICH In The COVID Economy



Eric Schmidt, the former head of Google, has a hot investment tip for you.  Schmidt is saying that the virus will be with us in one form or another for the rest of our lives, and investing in surveillance testing is going to be VERY good business.

On 8/26/2020’s show, David Knight reports,  “We have new edicts from on high, from Eric Schmidt, the former head of Google and a visitor to the Obama Whitehouse over 200 times.  He’s now out there holding court like Bill Gates, because folks, we’re in a technocracy now.  The corporations and technocrats that run the internet now run our lives, so we really should listen to them and try to understand what they’re saying. Don’t respect what they’re saying but understand it.  Eric Schmidt is now part of the pontificating technocratic elite who are going to tell us how to run our country.”

Schmidt said in an interview with CNBC,  “There are plenty of states that don’t have mask rules that are effective, that’s idiotic, that’s unsafe, and it’s leading to people’s deaths.  That needs to get addressed.”  Schmidt continues,  “The real failure here is that we did a multi-trillion-dollar bailout in March, April, May, and yet in those trillions of dollars we did not put in place the necessary structures to do rapid testing.  There’s plenty of technology that allows for rapid testing, and with rapid testing, corporations could open and people could go to work.”

Schmidt was asked if investing in “surveillance testing” was a safe longterm investment or if there is any possibility of this going away.  Schmidt calmed the fears of potential investors, assuring them that this virus/lockdown is here to stay, saying,  “The virus will be with us in one form or another for the rest of our lives, hopefully under control just like the flu.  We will need forms of testing to make sure we keep it under control.  The investment in such a thing is not only patriotic and good for humanity, and a good moral thing to do, but it’s going to be a very good business.”

Knight comments,  “The rest of your lives you’ll have this.  The CFR is saying ‘this isn’t going to last for quarters, it’s going to last for years’.  The WHO chief is saying ‘I hope this will end in two years’.  But you’ve just heard one of our global technocrat leaders, the people who’ll really be in charge of our global government (who are already in charge).  Schmidt is saying ‘no, it’s never going to end’.  It’s how they’ll keep you under control, and you can be very very rich if you’re profiting off the testing.  That’s going to be the key way they keep you afraid, their justification for keeping you locked down.”

“They’re misusing the PCR test, the guy who won the Nobel prize for inventing it said you can’t use it for that.  But they’ll give you the cooties test anyway, tell you that you’re sick and lock down the entire country because of it, just like they’re doing in New Zealand.”

“It started in China, they modeled it, they pushed it out on social media, Italy adopted it and, as Ron Paul is pointing out, they’re all copying each other and they’re faking it.”

Tucker Carlson pointed out that the WHO is now linking COVID to climate change.  He says,  “For Dr. Tedros and Bill Gates, pandemic and climate change share a very different connection. Both are useful pretexts for mass social control. Both are essentially unsolvable crises they can harness to bypass democracy and force powerless populations to obey their commands.”

Knight continued,  “As I’ve said many times, the solution is the same whether it’s climate change or this virus.  It doesn’t matter what the excuse is, they change the MacGuffin but the plan remains the same.  Every problem has the same solution, give up your freedom and independence.  This is the longterm plan, the [UN] 2030 Agenda, they’re getting everything they’ve wanted.  They’re taking everybody’s jobs then pacifying them with universal basic income.  Every one of the UN 2030 agenda items, which were going to be done to save the planet from climate change. They’ve just changed the excuse to a phony virus.

“Just trust the people in authority because they have all science.  If you question their science or their statistics then you’re a fraud that needs to be silenced.  It’s perfect, anyone who opposes them, anyone who is skeptical about climate change or this virus has to be shut down.”

“The politicians and bureaucrats have made out pretty well with this.  Trump was saying ‘look at this the stock market came back up’ despite all the bad news.  Why? because this isn’t an economic recovery, it’s a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich.”

Knight concludes,  “The WHO ‘hopes’ this will end in two years, but Eric Schmidt is the one you should be listening to.  Schmidt said, on an investment program, you want to invest in the companies that make the tests because they’re going to be testing everyone, everywhere, all the time.”