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Article: Democrats Manuever For The Pivot To Mandate COVID Vaccine They’re Criticizing Now



Democrat governors love criticizing Trump for his rushed vaccine, so how will they pivot to mandating it when it becomes available?

“It’s not just a political virus, it’s also a political vaccine.  Governor Newsom has said that California is going to review any FDA approved COVID vaccine before it’s distributed.  This is absolutely about sticking it to Trump, it’s political, they’re signaling that they’re concerned about safety but watch how quickly they’ll flip if Biden gets elected,” reported David Knight on10/20/2020’s show

“They’ve attacked Trump for the lockdown — for not locking down enough, for masks, for not having masks, for the lack of a vaccine and they’re attacking him for funding a vaccine as well.  They’ll flip on this like they’ve flipped on all the other ‘expert medical advice’ we’ve been given on this COVID novel.”

Knight continues,  “They want to be able to mandate the vaccine.  So they’ll have to pull their criticisms back and this is how they’re going to do it.  California is going to create an 11 member ‘scientific review committee’ that will be ‘scientific’.  Did I mention that the review committee is going to be ‘scientific’?”

“And because they’re ‘scientists’, they know that they can’t get it done this year, but it’ll be done sometime in 2021.  If they were real scientists they would know it’s going to take a lot longer than that to see if it’s safe or effective.”

“So how do they test vaccines?  The final test for vaccines is to have two groups of people, one given a placebo the other given the vaccine.  Then they watch the two groups for TWO YEARS to see if there’s a difference in the rate at which they caught the disease.  A scientific review won’t know anything by 2021, Newsom.  This is just more politicization of the already political vaccine.”

“Governor Cuomo is also doing it.  People are actually calling Cuomo an ‘anti-vaxxer’.  He said ‘I think it’s going to be a very skeptical American public about taking this vaccine, and they should be.’  Then he says the states need independent doctors to test it on their own, the same tactic as Newsom in California.”

“They know that nobody trusts the FDA — and you SHOULDN’T trust them. These political institutions in Washington have completely failed and everyone knows it.  But these guys have been running real hard against Trump over the vaccine and they’ve got to find a way to quickly pivot around and FORCE you to take it.  They will pronounce it safe and holy. THEN they can mandate it.”

“So New York and California, the first two states to lock everything down, will be the first two states to say that their ‘scientific review committees’ have blessed this.”

Biden said, “I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump. At this moment, the American people can’t either.”

Knight comments,  “That’s the tactic, it’s an attack on Trump because he fell for this vaccine trap.  He’s gone full-on in support of vaccines.  For years he said he had questions about the safety of vaccines, and any thinking person SHOULD have questions, so we were hopeful that he was going to do something.  Instead, he’s done everything that Bill Gates wanted.”

“Trump has funded Bill Gates’ vaccine program bigger and faster than Gates could’ve ever imagined or hoped for.  He may have done it because of Fauci, but the buck stops with President Trump.”

“Tobacco plants are going to contribute a key ingredient to one of these vaccines.  Tobacco plants are about the most genetically modified organisms anywhere.  So now we have the unholy trinity: Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Tobacco.  They’re going to mandate the Big Vaccine — after it’s been blessed and declared safe, of course.”

“Trump says he’s not going to force Americans to take the COVID vaccine.  The problem is that by pouring over $10 billion into this he’s created this toxic pool.  It’s going to be there for somebody to use. Even if Trump doesn’t use it, somebody will.”

“The people who’re really behind this are the military-industrial-complex.  The majority of these people aren’t scientists or doctors, they’re military.  The Army and DARPA are the ones who’re running this. THAT should make you VERY concerned,” concluded Knight