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Article: School Kids Test Positive? Give Them To CPS



Government-run schools have been the globalists’ tip of the spear for decades.  Now, in the age of COVID and lockdowns, a runny nose could be all that’s necessary for them to call CPS.

On 10/23/2020’s show, David Knight reports,  “One issue we need to pay attention to is what’s happening to your kids at school.  A lot of parents have started to catch on because of the Zoom classes.  Many of them have realized that they can do a much better job at home — you can’t possibly do worse.”

“It’s not just what they’re doing when you’re not around, we’ve seen all the statements from teachers saying things like ‘I’m an English teacher, homosexuality is my wheelhouse.’  They don’t want parents seeing what they’re telling the kids about transgenderism, homosexuality, etc.  This is why the kids can’t read, write, or think when they get out.”

“A listener sent me an email about a unique threat coming to kids.  The listener writes, ‘I just pulled my 8-year-old daughter from the local public school district.  We got a notice last week that, since students are going back to school for two days per week in person, we are to have our contacts updated and be ready to quickly respond if they need to send our child home for; headache, runny nose, fever, vomiting, sneezing (not due to allergies), stomach pain, etc.  The notice said that if parents don’t respond in a reasonable amount of time the school may call ‘Children and Youth Services.”  CPS is what they’re typically called,”  remarked Knight

“If your kid has a runny nose or a sneeze and you don’t get there in time they’ll assume it’s COVID and call CPS.  There’s nothing more dangerous to your child than CPS.  This is yet another tactic that you need to be aware of.”

“We just had a story last week, the CPS in New York state suppressed 725 child death reports over the last 10 years, averaging 73 per year.  They’re covering up what happens to the kids.  They take the kids, they don’t protect them and they put them in very dangerous situations.  They take them WITHOUT ANY DUE PROCESS and don’t even tell you why.  In this particular case, it’s because little Suzy had a tummy ache, we couldn’t reach you so we assumed it was COVID and she’s now gone to CPS,”  concluded Knight.