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Prediction: WHEN and HOW Vaccines WILL Be MANDATED



“How is this vaccine going to roll out?  I have predictions for when and how they’ll mandate it,” reported David Knight on 12/11/2020’s show.

“I believe WHEN they’ll mandate it will be the third quarter of next year.  First, will be the people who take it to keep their jobs, the ‘heroes’.  They’ll be the guinea pigs — the first responders, the doctors, nurses, military.  No matter what happens you won’t hear of any problems, if it gets really egregious and someone complains enough, they’ll dismiss it as an isolated case.”

“We already saw that when a lot of people IMMEDIATELY had problems on V-Day.  Pfizer dismissed those since the vaccine was already tested and the test group didn’t have any more issues than the placebo group.”

“Well, do you know what the placebo was?  Reuters reported that the ‘placebo’ was a meningitis vaccine.  I said they’re doing it this way so that when people have adverse reactions they can say ‘it’s no worse than it was for the placebo group’, which is exactly what they’ve now said.”

“No matter what happens they’ll spin it so it’s not a problem.  Then by the second or third quarter, they’ll say ‘I know you didn’t trust us when we started rolling this out with 2 months of testing, but now we’ve been doing this for 6 months.  We have 8 whole months of testing now, and you aren’t going anywhere unless you get the vaccine.’  It’s my prediction that that’ll happen in the third quarter of next year.”

“I have another prediction for HOW they’ll mandate it.  Whether it’s Biden or Trump, they’ll mandate it through the employers.  There’ll be some jurisdictions where the eager Democrats will jump the gun and mandate it, they’ll do that to test the waters and see if they get away with it.  If people don’t fight them on it then they’ll try to mandate it through law and through the schools.  Trump was fine with them doing that for measles, what do you think he’d say for COVID.”

“What will ultimately happen is they’ll use employers and corporations.  That’s what the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) was saying would happen from the beginning.  They’ll make sure it’s the corporations that are the ones saying you can’t travel, saying you can’t shop, or work, or have a life.  Even if there are small businesses that are still alive, they will be blackmailed by the threat of lawsuits.”

“Fauci is a mastermind.  As Kary Mullis said, he’s not a doctor or a scientist, but he is a consummate politician.  He was able to give BigPharma legal immunity for any adverse effects or DEATHS caused by their vaccines.  Now, he’s gotten the government to fund their research, pay for its manufacture, buy it at an inflated price, and finally, they’ll mandate it for everybody.  And guess who’ll have the legal problems, guess who’ll be sued — not the vaccine manufacturers, but any small businesses who don’t mandate it for their employees.”

“They’ll be the ones who get sued.  That’s the issue holding up this so-called ‘stimulus check’, this welfare bill. Democrats are holding back on the immunity.  That’s why they’re putting in Xavier Becerra to run this, because they’re going to use lawsuits to take out the businesses that don’t mandate it.  Biden wants a prosecuting lawyer running the HHS for this next stage.  That tells you everything, doesn’t it?”

“After 2 months of testing, they’ve decided that the ‘advantages outweigh the risks’.  YOU don’t get to decide that for yourself.  It’s going to be mandated for you, through corporations and the threat of lawsuits.  If you’re a small business owner who doesn’t mandate vaccination it will be like an invitation for the ambulance-chasing lawyers to take your business,” concluded Knight.

See the full report above.